Index Card Drawers


Light & Free

What's In a Name?

Naming a new product is never easy. Light & Free describes exactly how Danone want you to feel about their product. However, companies usually go to great lengths to create an original name that evokes those feelings rather than spelling them out for you.

My Thoughts

A Moment of Bliss

Lindt’s Spring campaign is simple but luxurious – “You choose the moment, we’ll provide the bliss”.

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Search Wider

Search Wider

Travel Supermarket launched tv ads, supported by these posters, in early January 2016 based on research that suggests Germans are more efficient holidaymakers than Brits.

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It’s an old copywriting adage that states – “Sell a Good Night’s Sleep – Not the Mattress” – which is sound advice and clearly what Eve are up to. Or are they?

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Flaming Good Pud

Flaming Good Pud

This ad for a Christmas Pudding appeared in the distance and I automatically logged it as M&S. Sometimes it’s just the font that makes all the difference.

My Thoughts
